Monday, July 6, 2015


old school, very pioneer disco DJ
* innovator-creator-inventor *
sells some of his unique and rare 
disco history items, documents and 'memories'

Marty Angelo - first & real Disco DJ Hall of Fame - CREATOR

with legendary disco deejay Eddie Rivera

Real and true DISCO DJ HALL of FAME by Marty Angelo

pioneer + first generation disco discjockey
- list transferred to my blog


Marty Angelo worked in the entertainment business from 1965 to 1980 as a television producer Disco Step-by-Step, record promoter, restaurant/nightclub owner and personal manager for rock 'n' roll bands Raven and Rob Grill and The Grass Roots.

After a drug arrest in 1980 for cocaine possession, he served two years of a six-year federal prison sentence, and in prison began a ministry, Marty Angelo Ministries.Upon his early release from prison in 1984, Angelo went on to work with various ministries such as, Faith Farm in southern Florida, Teen Challenge of Southern California, Prison Fellowship, and the Drug Abuse Foundation of Palm Beach County. Angelo is also the author of ten books.

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Marty Angelo’s Once Life Matters Ministries, Inc. reached out to prisons/jails, rehabs, college campuses, troubled celebrities, politicians and to members of the military from 1981-2018.

Angelo officially retired in September of 2018.

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Marty Angelo, Disco Step-by-Step producer, writer, creator and first host was a charter member of the original New York Record Pool, a V.I.P. member of Eddie Rivera International Disco Record Centre (IDRC) and the founder of the Buffalo New York Record Pool. His shows play lists often appeared in: Disco News, Billboard Magazine, Cashbox, etc.

Disco Step-by-Step was not only the first disco dance television show in the world in 1975 but also was the first cable produced show to ever crossover to a network affiliate broadcast station. It went on to have the highest Neilson rating for its Saturday 3 p.m. time slot.

London Records national disco promotion man, Billy Smith picked Marty Angelo among the top twenty-five most important disco djs for breaking (introducing) a new disco record.

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Among his many achievements Marty Angelo was one of the very first disco djs dating back to 1969. He managed the rock bands, Raven and Rob Grill and the Grass Roots.

He hosted the first ever disco radio show and published the first disco magazine, Go Disco. Marty helped organize the first Worlds Largest Disco. The event was held on September 8, 1979 at the Buffalo New York Convention Center and attracted over 14,000 people. This event is still held on an annual basis.

In 1998 Marty Angelo designed one of the first disco related Internet websites and also founded the 'Hustle Dancers Hall of Fame'™, the 'Disco Dj Hall of Fame' and the official 'Disco Dance Music Hall of Fame'.

Marty Angelo has also been a promoter the Experience Music Projects: 'Disco: A Decade of Saturday Nights' which was displayed in Seattle at EMP, The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, and currently at the New York Public Library.

Marty also helped organize the Van McCoy Open Hustle Dance Competition, and was interviewed in the VH1 special 'When Disco Ruled the World' and was the associate producer of the PBS Special My Music; Get Down Tonight–the Disco Explosion ---
He also is a part of the upcoming DVD disco documentary called Disco: Spinning the Story ---

Clips of Disco Step-by-Step were recently used in a CBS "Sunday Mornings" disco segment and an article appeared in the March 2005 issue of Buffalo Spree Magazine.

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(active and informative links below)

Marty Angelo story in the book:

"Silent Records" - worlwide disco & deejay history in English:

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